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Who Is Coach Vee?

Who is Coach Vee?  That's a question I get a lot!  What brought me here, how and why I became a coach, and about my background in general.  Well obviously there's not a ton of room on this page for a novel, but stay tuned, I just may do that one day!  However in a nutshell, Coach Vee is just me!  I was born Venetia Yvonne Nettles and born and raised in Louisville, KY. I have never left the state of Kentucky to reside anywhere else; although I've visited a few places.  I've lived all over Kentucky though, going from Louisville, to Lexington, Owensboro, to where I reside currently, a little town called Greenville, most popularly known as Muhlenberg County Kentucky.  Yep, it's that little place you probably heard about in an old song by The Everly Brothers.  I've gone through some things, seen some things, done some things; and through experience, I felt it was my duty to help others through, so these types of experiences could be just a little easier to endure.  You know how the older ones pave the road to make things easier for a younger generation?  Well, I'm officially an older 

I'm the mother of 2 amazing children, ages 15 and 8, and I've been blessed to have 4 bonus babies that have become a part of world when I met my husband.  Oh yes ladies, you know those country boys that can literally do everything, and you only read about them in some fictional crazy love novel?  Yep, I got one of those!  Lucky me right?  Absolutely BLESSED beyond measure, but it took some serious self checking to get to this point in life!  Stick around, and I'll tell ya all about it! ​

My passion began back when I started working at a group home, and I then moved along to a Job Corps Campus.  There I started school to obtain my Bachelor's in Psychology because I THOUGHT I wanted to be a clinical psychologist.  I didn't.  It took me while to find my calling, to learn my niche, and to understand that you don't have to do what society says is the proper thing to do; it is genuinely okay to do what makes you happy!  So that's what I did!  I set out on a mission to make every day count for me.  I made sure I put in the work to fulfill my hearts' desire, and finally made the choice to choose me.  When I did, it opened up so many more doors, and took the pressure off my shoulders of being what others thought I should be, and allowed me to just simply be me.  And that's who Coach Vee is...Simply ME!

"The story isn't over until the last chapter is written. Write your own narrative, let outsiders do the reading"

~Coach Vee~

My Mission

My mission is to help people dig down deep and realize that sometimes, it's really all about checking themselves.  Sometimes it's perspective, sometimes it's trauma, and although I don't believe anyone is broken, so you don't need fixing, we sometimes need some reprogramming in the way we operate. 


We are sometimes the reason we can't reach our goals; Standing in our own way, blocking our own blessings, and we don't even know it!  The Self Check Coaching program is designed to help you check yourself, providing you the right system, with the right accountability and the right support system, at the right time; giving you lasting results.  When you make the choice to choose you, the time is then right!  When you surround yourself with the right circle of people, the support system and accountability is right!  And when you choose a program that focuses solely on internal healing and work, the system is right!  You can not lose or fail when the work you do is all on you!  

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